Jerusalem's Name

Question: What is the origin of the name “Jerusalem”?  Is it derived from “Yahweh + El” or “Shalem” or something else?

The original name of Jerusalem was Jebus, which was the name of a Canaanite fortress on the Temple Mount in the time of King David.  The name refers to the large threshing floor on the Temple Mount where the fortress was built.

Jerusalem has had many other names throughout history, including:

·         City of David.  The name given to Jerusalem after King David purchased the city from the Jebusites and made it his capital

·         Zion.  A name that originally referred to a specific part of the city, but later came to refer to the city as a whole

·         Moriah.  A name for the Temple Mount that came to apply to the city as a whole

·         Shalem.  A name for Jerusalem used in the Bible

·         Neveh Tzedek.  A name for Jerusalem used in the Bible

·         City of the Great King. A name for Jerusalem used in the Bible

·         Aelia Capitolina.  A name given to the city by the Romans after they defeated the Jewish rebellion in the 2nd century CE

·         Yerushalayim.  The Hebrew name for Jerusalem

·         Al-Quds.  The Arabic name for Jerusalem

·         Bayt al-Maqdis.  An Arabic name for Jerusalem that refers to the Temple in Jerusalem

Question: What are some of the unique features of Jerusalem that make it distinct from other ancient cities?

Google: What is unique about the city of Jerusalem?

Jerusalem is a walled city: its walls are about 2.5 miles long, 40 feet tall, and 8 feet thick.  There are 34 watchtowers along Jerusalem's walls, and there are 7 gates for traffic.  Municipal law requires all structures to be covered in Jerusalem stone, preserving the historical look of the city.

What was ancient Jerusalem known for?

In the 1st century CE, Jerusalem became the birthplace of Early Christianity.  According to the New Testament, it is the location of the crucifixion; resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ (see also Jerusalem in Christianity).

What are 5 interesting facts on Jerusalem?

Interesting Facts about Jerusalem

· Jerusalem is a holy site for the Abrahamic faiths. ...

· Walls surround Jerusalem. ...

· One of the world's oldest graveyards is in Jerusalem. ...

· Jerusalem has been captured many times. ...

· Jerusalem is home to the holiest site for Jewish believers. ...

· The Western Wall is in Jerusalem.

Jerusalem (new); Rev. Chp. 21:2(a), 3. 21:16, 17(a) & (b). & 21:18 to 27.

Jerusalem Legal Status (Study)

Jerusalem's Troubles (Study)

God and Jerusalem (Study)



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